Simple ideas to use at home to enhance therapy practice - Fishing!
Treetops Speech and
Language Therapy
Working together to support your child to reach their full communicative potential.
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RADLD Day - Friday 20th October 2023
School holidays and practice... how do we do this?!?
Child struggling to get talking? What can you do at home?
My child is struggling to learn language and understand what I'm saying... What could it be??
DLD Awareness Day - Friday 15th October 2021
How often should I practice?
My child's speech is unclear - when should I be worried?
Developing language through reading and books.
Ideas to develop Language from being in Lockdown - Part 4: TV can be okay...
O.W.L-ing Strange title but a simple way to develop those early words!
Ideas to develop Language from being in Lockdown - Part 3: Books you don't just have to read them...
Shopping Game into an activity which generalises new vocab!
Ideas to develop Language from being in Lockdown - Part 2: Lets get creative!
Ideas to develop Language from being in Lockdown - Part 1: Toys and ways to use them