What is DLD - a 4 minute video that explains it from a child's perspective
Treetops Speech and
Language Therapy
Working together to support your child to reach their full communicative potential.
Information & Strategies
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Speak Up for DLD Awareness Day -- Friday 18th October 2024
Recipe to success: what you need when supporting your child with Speech and Language Difficulties.
Simple ideas to use at home to enhance therapy practice - Fishing!
The invisible disorder... more common than Autism. What is it and what can you do if your child has it?
Technology... we love it, but should we use it?
RADLD Day - Friday 20th October 2023
Summer Garden Antics - they can't help with speech and language development... or can they?
School holidays and practice... how do we do this?!?
Child struggling to get talking? What can you do at home?
Early Development in Babies
My child is struggling to learn language and understand what I'm saying... What could it be??
DLD Awareness Day - Friday 15th October 2021
How often should I practice?
Question Types... why do some school age children find some questions easier to answer than others?
How does a child develop their language?
My child's speech is unclear - when should I be worried?
Developing language through reading and books.
Initial Assessments... what to expect.